The Young Academy 2024

Photo: Lars Svankjær/The Young Academy

Who are we

The Young Academy is a scientific academy for young talented researchers in Denmark under the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters established in 2011.

A platform for young researchers

The Young Academy is an independent platform for young researchers pertaining to all branches of science and is a rather newly established institution in Danish science.

The purpose of DUA is to strengthen basic research and interdisiplinary exchange, to bridge the gap between science and society, and to offer some of the country’s most talented young researchers a public voice.

The members

The members are all prominent profiles with strong international experiences and interesting views on research and society.

“The Young Academy aims to support young researchers in their academic development and career.”


Every year, the Young Academy publishes a Yearbook with articles on the members’ research and reports on the year’s  activities

Photo: Royal Academy of Sciences and Letters archive

The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters houses most of the Young Academy’s meetings and events in the beautiful building at H.C. Andersens Boulevard in central Copenhagen.